Saturday, August 29, 2009

paddy art

images using different varieties of rice. more here

letters from new orleans

the story of a new orleans sign painter, lester carey here

brand whores

so let's be anti-brand by wearing logos... more at coolhunter

feel the bubbles

the directors cut here

the history of nike running shoes by artist kustaa saksi

more here

album cover art using microsoft paint

over 2000 covers done so far. see them at

like the queensland best job in the world but for orlando

these friends won the job of smile embassadors, touring orlando's sites for 67 days. there blog here

pop-up agency in london

rkcr y&r helps local camden businesses. see the video here

Friday, August 28, 2009

user generated content for radiohead

radiohead's 'in rainbows' animated music video contest.
animators from all over the world competed and out of over a thousand entries, radiohead chose 4 grand winners and gave each winner $10k to complete their submission.
see the 3 other winners here:


...but i like it.
more at

Sunday, August 23, 2009

bloggers air max films

nike use trendwatcher and blogger nalden to promote air max via web films

art and copy, the film

more at

hitler's other dream

some of hitler's watercolour paintings will soon be up for auction. apparently he was an aspiring artist as a young man and when his application to the vienna academy of fine arts was rejected due to lack of talent, he then decided not to pursue his artistic dreams and instead went on to other things...
follow your creative dreams, kids and don't let anyone stop you.